
Horse Event Pro 2024

Written by Hofman Animal Care | Sep 17, 2024 7:54:57 AM

A retrospective of Horse Event Pro 2024

Horse Event is the meeting place for horse lovers in the Netherlands, and this year it was once again a great success! For two weekends, Expo Greater Amsterdam was dominated by everything to do with horses. The first weekend, Horse Event Pro, was completely dedicated to (semi-)professional equestrian sports, with impressive clinics and demonstrations by top riders and leading trainers. Topics such as training, management and nutrition took centre stage and there was much to learn for both professionals and enthusiastic horse owners.

Hofman Animal Care shone again with Excellent Horse

We are proud to say that Hofman Animal Care was present again this year, with a brilliant stand of our Excellent Horse brand. Our stand attracted many enthusiastic visitors, who were inspired by our products and great offers. From the popular Grooming Brush to the Vitasporal varieties and from our extensive Herbs line to the cheerful Foodie Friends - there was something for everyone! In addition, visitors could enjoy our luxurious Hi Gloss shampoos and shampoo bars, which ensure a radiant coat.

Exclusive exhibition offers and win a photo shoot

During the Horse Event Pro weekend, visitors could benefit from exclusive exhibition offers, such as a free Hi Gloss Shampoo bar & foam net with the purchase of two Excellent Herbs Hemp Flour Pellets. But that was not all: we also organised a competition, where participants had the chance to win a professional photo shoot by Debbie Huijs Photography, specialising in beautiful horse and equestrian portraits. Because who wouldn't want to have the special bond between horse and rider captured?

Thanks for visiting!

We would like to thank all our visitors for coming to our stand and the great conversations we had. We hope you had a fantastic weekend and went home with new insights and great purchases. For anyone who missed it: don't worry! This coming weekend we will again be present at Horse Event Youth, where we will again present our finest products and offers. We look forward to seeing you there!