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New tube packaging!

Introducing our new packaging!

Our plastic packaging is being replaced by our new cardboard tubes. Not only does this align with the increasingly stringent environmental regulations from the government, but we're also employing a new, advanced printer for our labels. These labels boast improved adhesive properties, leaving air bubbles a thing of the past. Together, these changes result in our new, stylish, and luxurious 2.0 packaging!

The benefits of the new tube packaging:

 100% extra strong cardboard - The environmentally friendlier alternative to plastic
 Luxurious appearance - Seamlessly complements the new labels
 Improved adhesive strength - Sleek appearance without air bubbles


Private label packaging

The new cardboard tubes and labels are also used for private labels. You have a choice of 7 different sizes and colors in white and black. This way, you can even better determine the appearance of your own brand.

Benefits of private label:

 Your own brand, our expertise, and product formulas
 Full service without extra costs
 Set your own prices and margins
 Increased customer loyalty and repeat purchases

Have you become enthusiastic and want to learn more about the possibilities of private label?

Questions? Get in touch!

If you have any questions about our new packaging, feel free to contact oyour account manager or our customer service team. They will be happy to provide you with more information about the new packaging and what it means for your private label.