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Quality labels.
Transparency and reliability

Quality labels act as a powerful testament to the quality of our products. They attest to our commitment to rigorous manufacturing standards, with every aspect of the manufacturing process closely monitored and evaluated. By meeting the requirements of recognised certification bodies, we ensure that our feeds consistently meet the highest standards in the industry.

Keurmerken. Transparantie en betrouwbaarheid


HACCP stands for 'Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points'. HACCP is a risk inventory for systematically monitoring and controlling food safety hazards in the production process, based on 7 core principles. The aim is to increase product safety by identifying risks and making them manageable. HACCP is a legally required way of working arising from the Feed Hygiene Regulation 183/2005. Hofman Animal Care Export is registered under number 40120.


A quality management system originating in the Netherlands for ensuring safe feed in all links of the feed chain, integrating ISO-22000, HACCP, feed safety standards, traceability and monitoring, among others. It is thus a + compared to the statutory requirements. Originally Dutch, but now active and recognised worldwide. Hofman Animal Care Export is GMP+ FSA certified, meaning raw materials, feed additives and the production process carry a quality assurance. With this, Hofman Animal Care Export guarantees reliable and safe animal feed products.




A German association that stands for the production of food without the use of genetically modified organisms. Although it has its origins in Germany, VLOG is also emerging in other countries, including the Netherlands. Dairy farmers supplying VLOG milk are only allowed to use feed that meets VLOG criteria. Hofman Animal Care Export has been certified for VLOG since 2019.

GDP Veterinary medicines

Hofman Animal Care also holds a licence for wholesale trade in non-prescription veterinary medicines and trade in channelled veterinary medicines with a delivery restriction. This involves working in accordance with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines, which set requirements for, among other things, procedures, risk inventory, storage and distribution of veterinary medicines.


Safety first

Animal health and safety are at the heart of everything we do. Quality labels act as an extra layer of assurance that we meet the highest safety standards. By undergoing regular audits and checks, we ensure that our products are free of harmful substances and effective in promoting animal welfare.

Social Responsibility

As a manufacturer, we understand the responsibility we bear towards society and the environment. Hallmarks with a focus on sustainability and social responsibility highlight our commitment to balancing business success with preserving our planet. We pride ourselves on not only providing high-quality products, but also contributing to a healthier and more sustainable world for people and animals.